SUMMARY: I’m awakened by a single tone.
NOTE: Where earplugs are referred to, the decibel levels are from 29 to 33 (strictly 32 & 33 decibels after 2006 and 33 exclusively after 2009) which is sufficient enough to drown out most sound.
In my apartment I sometimes hear phantom sounds that awake me from deep sleep even though I'm wearing 33 decibel earplugs.
At bedtime, I asked my Angels to wake me up in the morning, because I wanted to be up by 8:00 so I could catch the 9:14 bus to work. Awoke several times during the night. At around 1:30 a.m. I thought of how it seemed useless to even pray, that God and the Angels just don’t seem to answer us or respond in a timely manner.
I’m 95% certain that I had earplugs in so I could sleep without being disturbed.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
7:45 AM
I was asleep and was awakened by a very clear tone on my left side[1]. I look at the clock and it reads 7:45 a.m.
[1] sound very close to the alarm clock on the table.
Is it safe to say my Angels made it clear to me that they are fully aware of—and respond to—my requests?
OTHER Phantom Sounds Accounts
1 comment:
Angel Number 745 is a message from your angels and Archangels to continue to have faith and trust in the changes you are making (or are contemplating). These changes may seem a little daunting right now, but trust that they will be of long-term benefit in your life, and will lead to new and exciting opportunities. The angels support and encourage you to step fully into this new phase with faith, trust, confidence and self-belief
The number 745 is a blend of the vibrations of the numbers 7, 4 and 5. Number 7 brings its mystical vibrations of spiritual awakening, development and enlightenment, inner-wisdom and inner-knowing, good fortune and persistence of purpose. Number 4 resonates with wisdom, application, endurance, personal drive, stability, ability and building solid foundations. Number 5 adds its qualities of making life choices and changes, versatility, motivation and opportunity and resourcefulness and life lessons learned through experience.
(extra info)
The repeating Angel Number 745 is a message of encouragement and support from your angels, and is also an acknowledgement that the changes you are currently experiencing (or contemplating) are the right ones for you. Know that they are an important step along your spiritual and Divine life path and purpose.
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