SUMMARY: I feel pressure and envision a person on my back.
Over the years I have had waking and sleep events where I feel something touch parts of my body, usually my arm or leg. There are times when I have felt something literally on top of me, depending on my position in bed (or on the couch). These events often happen days or even hours apart.
RF# refers to Realness Factor which denotes how realistic a dream or dream event felt at the time it was experienced--10 highest number.
Monday, April 14, 1997
4 AM
I dreamed briefly that someone, (a woman perhaps) was on my back and rolling or pressing its hand along the small of my back as I lay in bed.
I awoke still feeling, slightly, the pressure on my back. I wondered if in reality something had actually been on my back.
Other Being Touched Accounts
Anais Anais said . . .
what is in the back? I have had many instances where a man jumps me in my back. I have been touched and probed inside my back.. There most be some nerve or center in which astral entities are interested in. --- 6:40 PM, July 16, 2009
LAST UPDATED: May 20, 2012